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Company Profile



Company name / City Glasses Co., Ltd.

Capital / 3 million yen

Founded / April 12, 1923

Founded / January 5, 1956

Representative Director / Makoto Shirota

Number of employees / 3

Banks / Gunma Prefectural Credit Union, Towa Bank, Gunma Bank

Major customers / Tokai Optical Co., Ltd., HOYA Corporation, NIKON, SEIKO Eyewear, Sankyosha, Eyemate, Aoyama Glasses



Taisho 12 (1923)

The first Koji Shirota opened the Shirota Watch Shop in Yatsusakashita, Annaka City. Mainly sells and repairs watches.

Showa 7 (1932)

Moved to Annaka, Annaka City to expand the store.

Showa 23 (1948)

Koji Shirota's second son, Tomizo Shirota, succeeded the store as the second generation.


Incorporated as Shirota Watch Shop Co., Ltd.

Showa 49 (1975)

Tomizo's wife, Sumie, creates a prototype as a community-based store while conducting foreign sales mainly at local factories and government offices.

1984 (Showa 59)

Makoto Shirota, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tomizo, joined the company as the third generation.

1994 (Heisei 6)

The store name was changed to "City Glasses" and the store was expanded and relocated.

1999 (Heisei 11)

Joined "Prime 21", a network group specializing in eyeglasses.

2004 (Heisei 16)

Moved to the current time to expand the store. Started operations as a roadside store. Renamed the store to "City Eyeglasses Shirota".



2362-1 Annaka, Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture



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